The world according to to who?

The world according to to who?
Inspired by the meme - you know the one.

As these are to be the first words on this blog, I'm feeling immense pressure to write something clever. Which is particularly difficult when writing about one of my least favourite subjects - me.

Alas, if this blog is to be at all readable, I suppose you, dear reader, had better be brought up to speed on its author. So here goes.

I'm Charlie. Non-cheese eating*, religion denouncing, English-South African, residing in Amsterdam. I like to travel, write, surf, read, watch films and swear loudly at the TV while playing video games.

So why this blog? In truth, it's an experiment. About 12 years ago I started one, I wrote 32 post drafts and never published one. Call it fear, call it a lack of commitment, discipline, whatever. It's something I regret not sticking with and now have the opportunity to correct.

What should you expect? I wish I had a master plan for this. A single passion or deep expertise in some niche perhaps. But the truth is I don't live or think that way. My moods and interests change with the wind.

So instead, I invite you to join me as I figure this out. Maybe even give me a few pointers along the way. And, if you made it this far, you'll want to subscribe to my free and infrequent newsletter.

*No really, cheese is awful with one exception 🍕